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Institut Williama Wilberforce


Klub na obranu demokracie

Kategorie: Lidská práva

Autor: Jiřina Fuchsová


The problem of citizenship is still actual.

1) Czechs living abroad, especially those in USA and Canada, from whom, till this day, their basic Human and Civic rights (guaranteed by more than twenty charts on Human Rights as well as by international bilateral and multilateral treaties and agreements ) are being withheld against their will, are saddened that some members of the Czech Parliament yesterday again defeated a novel of a law on extrajudicial rehabilitations, and that they, in a similar fashion, also voted not to build a MEMORIAL OF PERSECUTION in the Czech Republic.


2) Comprehensive, retroactive and unconditional recognition of Czech state citizenship for all Czech citizens hitherto descriminated in this respect and clearing way for finishing restitutions of properties confiscated either by the Nazis or by the Communists would enable cca 25.000 persons, many of whom no longer have any property claims against the Czech Republic, to return, in many cases after many, many years, finally HOME again, it would allow them to come HOME again in a full, by various violations of their basic Human Rights undiminished manner. For those, whose private properties have been criminally swindled away, the full recognition of their civic and human rights would create a chance to take care of their personal claims against the Czech state, which, as stipulated in Czech Constitution, is a GUARANTOR of ALL HUMAN RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS of ALL CITIZENS.


3) Those Czechs abroad hitherto discriminated against, whose rights - freely given to various other groups and minorities in the current Czech population while forcibly withheld from them - will continue to monitor this international and USA/Canada - Czech problem and they will continue to record the behavior of responsible Czech politicians, lawmakers, parliamentary deputies and senators further.


4) It is undignified for today's Czech Republic and all its citizens to persist, in the eleventh year after November 1989, in outrageous discrimination of an arbitrarily selected minority of its own citizens on the basis of artificial, criminal and unjustly constructed basis of consideration WHEN, HOW, SINCE WHEN till WHEN and under WHAT CONDITIONS this or that Czech/Czechoslovak citizen, today's permanent, part-time or only occasional resident of USA or Canada, in full agreement with the European Union-guaranteed RIGHT OF FREE MOVEMENT OF PERSONS, left former Nazi or Communist Czechoslovakia.


5) Czechs abroad will transfer, either to the current, or (after American election) the future U.S. State Department the lists of those persons in today's Czech Republic, who took part in the long-years lasting discrimination of "SOME" only Czechs abroad. There are three "classes" of these persons: a) those who prepared and drafted bad, illegitimate novellas of obsolete and dysfunctional Czech "law on Czech state citizenship"; b) those who these "novellas", which directly contradict the Czech Constitution and other Charts of Human Rights and Freedoms, accepted and voted for their adoption in the Czech Parliament; c) those who then practically on lower official levels enforced these "novellas", novellas of, from the very outset, unjust and unequal "law", and who in this way deeply, and in many cases irreversibly, cruelly disrupted personal, family and economic living conditions of the victims.


6) Unless the responsible officials and political bodies in the Czech government create a chance for the adversely affected Czechs/Czechoslovaks in USA and Canada to re-establish their lives in their native land by a speedy, (Legislative Distress Method) new Law on Czech State citizenship, FAIR and EQUAL to ALL, and thus open a way for these victims to finish their personal restitutions individually, and unless they quickly adopt a new, fair Election Law, a law, that would not exclude ANY CITIZEN from taking part in all future Czech elections, not even when abroad, Czech organizations, individuals, clubs and associations of victims of ten-years lasting and continuing Czech CIVIC GENOCIDE will file Class Action Suit against the responsible agents in the Czech Republic in the individual countries', as well as in international, human rights upholding, courts.


April 6, 2000 Jirina Fuchsova

Unpaid Coordinator IAC, ACCGA Secretary General,